Sunday, April 27, 2008

Potty Training!

I know, I know I am awful at keeping up with this blogging stuff. But here is our "monthly update."

Stan and I had a great time in HH at the Heritage while Hampton spent the weekend with SUSU. This past week we started POTTY TRAINING!!! I will have to say he is doing well with it. He wears underwear all day and only wears a diaper at nap and night (I don't to have to get up and change sheets:)). Hopefully he calms down on wanting to go the the bathroom every 5-10 mins in the next week or so. He is about to drive me crazy, but it's better than him wetting all the time. He does well when we are out and about and doesn't go as often, but when we are at home he wants to go ALL THE TIME! We went to the zoo today while daddy was playing golf and had a wonderful time, although we got stuck in the reptile house for about 20 mins during a rain storm!

Here are some pictures of Hampton giving the dog treats in his underwear!

Pictures of Hampton at the ZOO!